The 3 Areas to Visit On Your First Trip to Australia

World's Prettiest Beaches

Australia: the seemingly faraway wonderland, home to cuddly-looking marsupials, and to some of the cheeriest people on the planet. The country-wide population is almost half the population of California alone, the natives have brilliant accents and slang, and “almost everything can kill you.” Starting with the sun, which due to its proximity to the South

The Half Dome Experience: What You Need to Know Before Hiking Yosemite

After climbing Half Dome, Yosemite

Half Dome was on my bucket list and I knew it’d be a challenge, but it definitely pushed my boundaries physically. On this October day at the end of the permit season, my friend Sandra and I traversed across Yosemite toward Half Dome. We originally had our minds set on hiking Clouds Rest, but since shuttles stopped

What You Must Do When Visiting Big Sur: A Roadtrip Guide

Unbelievable sunrise on Treebones property, yurt glamping in Big Sur along the California coast.

It’s where the famous turquoise and waterfall pictures of California are captured, where winding roads meet coastal cliffs and connect to the Bixby bridge, and just north of where William Hearst built the famous landmark of the central coast, Hearst Castle. Big Sur, a gem of California that is accessible primarily by car and often